
Range Pro Cattle Mineral-

Mountain West Range Pro Beef Minerals: Precision Year-Round Nutrition

Range Pro Minerals are formulated to provide proper levels of bioavailable sources of calcium, phosphorus, trace minerals and vitamins. Managing the beef cows’ mineral requirements to match the proper stage of production and time of year is crucial to optimizing health, reproduction and longevity of the beef breeding herd. A precision year-round mineral program will enhance protein and energy nutrition as well as support the maintenance, health and reproductive requirements of the cow.

Available with the Following Additive Options:

Mineralate–Metal Amino Acid Chelate


IntegraSEL–Selenium Yeast


Comax–Microbial Catalyst


Xtra-Dry–Anti-caking agent

Cinnagar30–Flavoring Product

CTC–Chlortetracycline (VFD)

Range Pro AP

Range Pro AP is our economical, all purpose mineral formulated to help meet the NRC nutritional requirements for beef cows while taking it easy on the pocketbook.

Range Pro Gold

Range Pro Gold is our “browngrass” mineral formulation with higher levels of phosphorus that is designed to be fed after breeding and up to 60 days pre-calving. Also available with amino acid chelated trace mineral known as Range Pro Gold CMZ Red Water.

Range Pro Breedback

Range Pro Breedback is our pre-calving thru breeding mineral. Higher levels of phosphorus and trace minerals, along with amino acid chelated copper, manganese and zinc will help to ensure that your cows have adequate levels of mineral nutrition to help raise a healthy calf and get rebred in a timely manner.

Range Pro Platinum

Range Pro Platinum incorporates high levels of chelated copper, manganese and zinc to overcome antagonistic tie ups that occur from high levels of iron, molybdenum, and sulfates in forages and water. Also available with chelated magnesium and potassium.

Range Pro Platinum Plus

Range Pro Platinum Plus steps it up another notch by utilizing multiple sources of bio-available phosphorus, chelated trace minerals and organic selenium to combat the most severe cases of mineral antagonisms.

Range Pro Sheep Mineral

Amino Max Bull Developer

Showmax Show Feeds

Custom Mineral Programs

Bull Developer Pellets

Cow Cake

Calf Creep

High-Fat Breeder Cake

and more… Detailed info to be added.